Sunday, October 31, 2021

Which of the the types of buildings could have unlimited area?


IBC Section 507, Unlimited Area Buildings, includes the follow types of buildings that could have unlimited area:

a.        One-story buildings

b.        Two-story buildings

c.         Three-story buildings

d.        Both a and b

e.        a, b, and c

Scroll down to see the answer:


Answer: d. Both a and b

Gang Chen, Author, AIA, LEED AP BD+C (

Thursday, October 28, 2021

A door in a 1-hour rated wall needs to be:


A door in a 1-hour rated wall needs to be:

a.     1-hour rated

b.    45-minute rated

c.     30-minute rated

d.    Non-rated with an automatic closer

Scroll down to see the answer.

Answer: b. 45-minute rated

Gang Chen, Author, AIA, LEED AP BD+C (

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

For a 6” bearing metal stud wall that is 12’ high, which of the following statements is correct?


For a 6” bearing metal stud wall that is 12’ high, which of the following statements is correct?

1.     It needs to have fixed bottom connection, and slip track top connection.

2.     It needs to have slip track bottom connection, and fixed top connection

3.     It needs to have fixed bottom connection, and fixed top connection

4.     It needs to have slip track bottom connection, and slip track top connection.

Scroll down to see the answer.

A: 3. It needs to have fixed bottom connection, and fixed top connection. A slip track top connection is only used for non-bearing walls.

Gang Chen, Author, AIA, LEED AP BD+C (

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Which of the following is correct when calculating building area increase based on frontage?


An architect is designing a 3-story high self-storage building. The building has a 10 feet set back to the north and the north property line is adjacent to a 60-feet wide public way. It has a 5 feet set back to the west and the west property line is adjacent to a 55-feet wide public way. The building is 48 feet to the east property line, and 45 feet to the south property line. Which of the following is correct when calculating building area increase based on frontage?

a.       The architect should use 30 feet as the yard width for all 4 sides.

b.      The architect should use the formula in IBC section 506.3.2 to calculate the weighted average yard width

c.       The side yards shall be center line of the public way

d.      The side yards can only be measured to the property line


Gang Chen, Author, AIA, LEED AP BD+C (

Friday, October 22, 2021

An overflow scupper and downspout can drain to a covered trash enclosure below. What should the architect do?


A building has a roof area that is sloped at ¼” per foot. The roof area has overflow scuppers and downspouts. The architect discover an overflow scupper and downspout can drain to a covered trash enclosure below. What should the architect do?

a.       Relocate both the down spout and the overflow scupper

b.       Relocate the down spout but leave the overflow scupper at the original location

c.       Contact the owner and ask the owner’s opinion

d.       Contact the city to find out if the overflow scupper can be placed over a covered trash enclosure

Gang Chen, Author, AIA, LEED AP BD+C (

Thursday, October 21, 2021

FAQ and study materials for ARE exams


We have decided to post a series of  FAQ and study materials for ARE 5.0 exams including videos to help the ARE candidates. This is the first post in the series:

The difference between addendum, ASI, CCD and change order. See link:

Gang Chen, Author, AIA, LEED AP BD+C (