Wednesday, March 27, 2013

When you draw the joist, do you have to draw it over the bearing wall by a few inches or not?

It seems like there is a debate going on the way to draw joist.
When you draw the joist, do you have to draw it over the bearing wall by a few inches or not? I understand that in your book you stopped the joist at the face of the wall.
Looking at the NCARB passing solution, they also stopped the joist at the faceof the bearing wall.
I am little confused now.

Response: Either way is OK.
The joists can be shown anywhere from touching thebearing walls to extend half-way into the bearing walls.

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Sunday, March 24, 2013

How close can contour lines of the same elevation come together?

Question: How close can contour lines of the same elevation come together? (IE: the angle of the triangle of the swale)

You mean the tips of the two swalves? Very close, but not a magic number. I’d say 6”, 1’ or 2’ is fine.

You want to bring the two tips as close to close to each other as possible to avoid water from flowing onto the pad.

In realty, there is a High Point (HP) at that location.

Gang Chen, Author, AIA, LEED AP BD+C

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Saturday, March 23, 2013

I wonder if some ARE vignettes are faulty...

"I'm so sorry. I had a similar experience with PPP. MC fine, but failed b/c of a "moderate" deficiency on the vignette. And that vignette was so very easy. I spoke with someone else who took it around the same time and the exact same thing happened to him. I wonder if some vignettes are faulty. But maybe I'm just paranoid...."

Most people fail ARE exams or any other exams because of the errors they made but were NOT and still are NOT aware of. Well, if you knew it was an error, you’d not have made it.

People also tend to make the same errors again and again. Maybe you can post your solution to the NCARB sample vignette for others to review if you have not already done so.

PPP vignette seems easy, but it actually is very tricky with a few traps, such as:
1)      The existing drainage easement area can still be a secondary construction area. 
2)      The program states, “On the grid, draw the profile of the maximum building envelope for each lot at Section A-A,” NOT at the side yard setback lines. It is VERY easy to make the mistake of drawing the building profile all the way to the side yard setback lines, especially after NCARB requires you to draw the 30-degree height restriction angle from a property line...

Gang Chen, Author, AIA, LEED AP BD+C

Check out “ARE Mock Exam Series,” and FREE ARE exam prep tips, ARE forums, slides, and mnemonics at

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

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Gang Chen, Author, AIA, LEED AP BD+C

Check out “ARE Mock Exam Series,” and FREE ARE exam prep tips, ARE forums, slides, and mnemonics at