Sunday, March 17, 2013

ARE Exams Rolling clock question

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"I have a silly questions, but anyway, I will go ahead and ask:
My 5 yr rolling clock expires March 20. Im taking my last SS exam on March 18.
I already failed SS back in september. Im not very optimisitic to pass, although I've been doing as much as I can to try to pass this time. But, if I fail, would that mean that I have to retake all 7 exams and start all over again?
I did pass all the graphics back in 3.1 version.
Thanks for your comments.
Desperate SS SS SS"

The term "rolling clock", means you will only lose one test at a time. So whatever test you took (and passed) 5 years ago on March 20 will have to be retaken, but not all 7.

Find the ARE Transition chart on NCARB's website. If your first pass happened to be Building Technology (ARE 3.1) then you may have to retake the ARE 4.0 divisions that has those vignettes (5 of them).

Let's say your first pass was Building Technology (BT) (ARE 3.1) in May 2008. That's when your rolling clock started. You have until May 2013 to pass all divisions (now ARE 4.0). BT had 6 vignettes; now these vignettes are spread out over 4 different divisions (CDS, SS, BS, & BDCS). If your rolling clock runs out and you lose your first passed test (BT), you will need to take it over again... but you can't since BT is no longer there. You'd have to take the 4 divisions that have the vignettes that BT had.

Your situation (# of tests you will be req'd to take) may be different if you passed some/all of the 4.0 tests that have the vignettes that BT had.

Do NOT give up hope yet. You have not lost this battle yet, so focus on winning it, and deal with the “what if” later if you fail.

Focus on finding a way to pass for now, even though you may not be in an ideal situation.

It is still quite possible to study and pass SS by 3/18/13. SS has a narrow and focus scope, so it is possible to get it done in a short time.

SS is an exam for architect, NOT for structural engineer.

Focus on the concepts, and do the simple calculations questions, and pick the same guess answer for the complicated calculations questions (i.e., the ones take more than 1 minutes to do), mark them and get back to them later if you finish everything else and still have time.

Check out “ARE Mock Exam Series,” and FREE ARE exam prep tips, ARE forums, slides, and mnemonics at

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